CBC gets trapped in the world Steve Gerber made, as we devote the spotlight to the late, great creator of Howard the Duck in a comprehensive look at his life and creative achievements, from Man Thing to Kiss, Crazy to Thundarr, from Destroyer Duck to an Elf with a Gun! One of Gerber’s most preeminent friends and collaborators was Mary Skrenes, who shares a rare, wildly entertaining, and extensive interview about her Las Vegas upbringing, 1970s comic book writing career (in part as ‘Virgil North’!), co-creation of Omega the Unknown, and help developing much of the Howard the Duck series, including her invention of Beverly Switzler! Our cover artist, Val Mayerik, talks about his life with certain foul-mouthed fowl! In addition, with the help of Roy Thomas, we take a good look at the never-realized Excelsior! Comics line created by Stan Lee in the ’90s.
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